Saturday 31 May 2008

Angelina Jolie's Huge Bump Still Dominating Cannes

Angelina Jolie once again stole the show at yesterday’s premiere of new Clint Eastwood drama Changeling at the Cannes Film Festival.
Dressed in a billowing fawn dress that made her baby bump look bigger that ever, the pregnant actress – accompanied by a very dapper Brad Pitt – literally put the host of stars (plus Phoebe Price) who showed up for the glittering occasion in the shade.
Angie is already winning rave reviews for her performance as a woman whose son is kidnapped in the drama.
The role also held a very personal significance for her.
She has revealed, "To me, she's very much like my mother. My mother was very passive in many ways and very, very sweet, but when it came to her children, she was a lion.
"So, in many ways, (my character) Christine reminded me of my mom, and it was a way to kind of revisit my mother after her passing and spend time with her."
Click here for Angie's huge bump - and to find out which other top stars it left in the shade.